Title 5 Inspections
Title 5 Inspections are mandated by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to be performed by a licensed Title 5 inspector on all septic systems prior to a property transfer or when the existing footprint of a structure is to change. D.F. Clark, Inc. has four (4) full time licensed Title 5 Inspectors on staff to perform inspections on both residential and commercial properties.
The inspection is a visual assessment of the system components. All components are located and uncovered. Components are checked for structural integrity and depth of liquid level. Estimated Seasonal High Ground Water (ESHGW) must also be determined. The ESHGW elevation is determined by reviewing available information gathered from the home owner, Board of Health and Soil Maps. The system can not be pumped two weeks prior to an inspection.
Components of a septic system consist of some or all of the following: septic tank or cesspool, distribution box, treatment technology, pump chamber and disposal area.
The results of the Title 5 Inspection will meet one of the four criteria:
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A Title 5 Inspection is valid for two years; unless the septic tank serving the facility is pumped every year prior to the anniversary date of the original inspection then the inspection can be extended up to a maximum of three years.
As the Title 5 Criteria is always changing, be sure you stay on top of the most recent changes by checking back with us.
To schedule an appointment or for answers to all your Title 5 Inspection questions, please call (978) 356-5638 or contact us via email.